Friday, December 31, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 16

Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.

I love ALL music. 
Feel free to make some suggestions for my iPod!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

e p i c

check out more on my tumblr

What's On My Phone?

My new office.
I miss my pink one
but it's bigger
w/a window.
& I don't freeze to death.

Whole Foods is my favorite place.
Of course we don't have one in Alabama.
Check out these mini apples!

& octopus salad.
I bet it's yummy!

at the beach on Christmas

Got a surprise Christmas gift
from a sweet boy.
He did sooo good!

My bestie is pregnant.
Apparently you can pee in a jar
and it tells you if you're having a boy or girl.
Yellow is girl, Green is boy.
Looks like she's having a BOY!
Future LSU football player on the way!

30 Day Challenge - Day 15

Day 15 - Your favorite Tumblrs

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas ReCap

Mom and I went shopping Christmas Eve

We had a glorious Christmas lunch

Then went to the beach. It's tradition

more photos on my flickr

30 Day Challenge Catch Up

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day

woke up
did laundry
had lunch at Panera with mom
drove home
went to bed

Day 13 - Somewhere you'd like to visit


Day 14 - Your earliest memory

I remember being Big Bird for Halloween when I was 3

Sunday, December 26, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 - Put your iPod on shuffle an list the first 10 songs.

Scouting for Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
Katy Perry - Last Friday Night
Bon Jovi - We Got It Going On
Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light
Green River Ordinance - Tight Rope
Elton John - Rocket Man
Songs of Sylvia - Love Left To Lose
Rihanna - Hard
Richie Sambora - We All Sleep Alone

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I hope you have a
wonderful fantastic marvelous holiday!

30 Day Challenge - Day 10

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and your first kiss.

That's easy, it's the same person.
His name was Edward but we called him Little John.
I thought it was love.
It was like 4th or 5th grade I believe.
Houma, Louisiana.
Gosh, he is not cute anymore. At all. haha

Friday, December 24, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 09

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

I want to be in Louisiana.
Everything else will fall into place from there.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 08

Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I don't remember the exact day
but it was about 4 or 5 months ago.
It took some time
but when I realized leaving my husband
was the best decision I'd ever made,
I was pretty dang satisfied.

What's on my phone?!

A lot of NSYNC reminiscing has been going on.
Jenny found this beauty at our local thrift store.

Found this cutie pie at the same thrift store.
It's ancient but I had to have it.

Apparently these are not rare,
but it was my first time seeing a miniature toilet.
We were in Paducah, KY.

The bestie & me in some really large pants.
We are easily entertained. haha

Some of you are aware of the peacocks.
The one's that annoy me incessantly.
I would love to run those suckers over!

Mom's spoiled brats.

Me freezing to death in Missouri.
I hate the cold. I mean I HATE it!

Aerie is weird sometimes.
They gave me a whole bag of twine.
I wrapped the bestie's gifts w/it though...

I got a major kick out of this sign.
Guess where it is...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 07

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

I don't believe in the zodiac.

Weakness Wednesday

I have a huge weakness for Sweet Tea.
Hello, this is the South!

Nothing is better than a glass of sweet tea.
I swear to you.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 06

Day 06 - Write 5 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I haven't seen my hair's natural color since I was 14.
2. I like to eat dinner in a bubble bath.
3. I have serious trust issues.
4. My family is CRAZY.
5. I'm in a secret relationship. HA

Winter is here!

Today is the first day of Winter.
Def not my favorite season.
I hate the cold.

And it's probably going to be a nasty winter
as it already snowed in the fall.
(it's not supposed to snow here at all!)

Stay warm everybody!

Monday, December 20, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 05

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

I have never had this thought.
I'm not that selfish...

Movie Monday

Faster was GOOD.
The Rock is HOT.

Skyline was ok.
It made me scream. It was scary.

I cannot wait to see Water for Elephants.
It's going to put RPattz in Brad Pitt status. srsly

Sunday, December 19, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 04

Day 04 - Your views on religion

I have a lot to say about this,
but I won't because I hate when people preach to me.

I am Christian.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 03

Day 03 - Your views on drugs & alcohol

I have never done drugs that weren't prescribed to me.
Never have I even wanted to.
I don't see a problem with things like marijuana
if done in moderation.
Some people can control themselves, some can't.

I have had my fair share of alcohol.
Same view as drugs.
It's a moderation thing.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Anchors Away

Yall know I love me some nail polish.
And anything nautical.

Well, China Glaze has a new set that is gonna be PERFECT.

I am so excited.
I cannot wait for Spring!

Toxic Waste Disposal

Destroyed the wedding dress last night.
It was way past over due.

The mood I'm in today is amazing!

30 Day Challenge - Day 02

Day 02 - Where do you want to be in 10 years?

I want to be in Terrebonne Parish Louisiana.
Possibly with a rich man.
And definitely with my own business.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

30 Day Challenge - Day 01

I've been kinda bored with blogger.
Thought maybe I'd attempt another 30 day challenge...

Day 01 - Your current relationship,
if single discuss how single life is.

I'm single. Have been for 6 months now.
It sucks butt. Major butt.
Well, most days I enjoy my singleness.

I've been talking to a guy for 3 months.
Every day for 3 months.
Yes, I am single.

He is far away.
Even if he wasn't his job would make a relationship difficult.

Most days I like the long distance situation.
Other days it is really saddening.

I wouldn't say I'm holding out for him...
I haven't met anyone else...
And I can't say what I would do it that happened...

Relationships are the devil.
Even when you're not in one.

Miss Me?!

I hope someone missed me in my absence...

It's been a long hard last 6 days.

Friday morning I was getting ready for our company Christmas party when my Mom called to say her dad, my grandpa, died earlier that morning. It was rough. Even rougher trying to be strong for her because she was taking it so bad.

She said they'd be on their way to come get me as soon as Mark got home from work so I didn't go to work. But they decided to just slow down and calm down so they wouldn't forget anything. They got to my house that afternoon and we left at 5am Saturday morning towards Hannibal, MO. It was a 15 hour drive including all the stops we had to make. Dogs included.

It started snowing about 30 minutes from my grandparent's house. You know I hated that. It continued to snow well into Sunday morning but Mom couldn't stay in the house without her Dad there so we ventured out to Wal-Mart and the mall.

I was glad to be out of the house with all the smokers. My grandpa died connected to his breathing treatment machine due to his years of smoking and yet they all continue to smoke. Blows my mind, it really does.

He wanted to be cremated so there wasn't a service. But grandma wanted everyone to have their closure so we got to see the body for one hour prior. It was horrible. Bad idea. He was in the cardboard box that he was going to be cremated in with a white sheet draped over him. I can't even explain how bad that was.

We left Monday after the funeral. I somehow convinced my parents to stop at the Aerie in Franklin, TN. I had to replace the soap that spilled in my bag on the way up. HA!

Later that night I was driving and started getting sick to my stomach so I made mom drive. About 11 we were in between Montgomery and Troy and I had to throw up. That was only the beginning. She had to pull over 2 more times for me to throw up before we got home. I threw up every hour through 7 am. And it wasn't normal, it was exorcist style. It was horrible. I literally thought I was dieing and was begging mom to take me to the ER. After that seemed to be over I slept until 1 when my parents left after deciding I seemed to be better. I stayed in bed the rest of the day. Had no energy to do anything.

I slept in yesterday and figured I'd go to work around lunch but I still wasn't 100% and didn't want to take it to work with me. I needed a day to recover anyway. My chest and back was in major pain from the 8 hours of fierce vomit. It was good to get around and go at my own pace when I felt like it instead of rushing off to work full force.

I feel much better today. My stomach is still not right but it seems to be recovering.

Now I have to come in early and work all weekend to make up all the time I missed. UGH

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I wasn't in the Christmas spirit at all.
Probably because everyone goes crazy before Halloween
and that makes it stressful.

But I put my Christmas decor up the weekend before Thanksgiving.
I knew I wouldn't have time after that...
I won't do it alone again. Not a tree anyway.
I would bet it stays up forever because I dread taking it down.

But isn't it pretty??

I was lucky enough to find HOOT OWL wrapping paper!
Don't mind my wrapping job. I suck at it.
Or don't have the patience for it... whatever.

I'm so glad I have a mantle for my Nutcracker collection.

Of course I had to fill my apothecary jars w/Christmas candies.

more pics on my Flickr

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

funny story

I had a very exciting night last night.
Scary exciting.

It's 8:30, I'm in bed.
The bestie texts me that something's going on behind her house.
(she lives across a small pond from me)
She said it sounded like a weed eater.
I told her it's probably the helicopters that I always mistake for a lawnmower.
But then she starts freaking out.
Saying it's making her house shake and for me to "get over here"
soon it's on her carport
"now jess"

I immediately start to freak out.
Because she is never scared of anything.
And if she's scared, I know it's time to freak. haha

So I'm scrambling around trying to put clothes on
and find my gun.
Yes, I have a gun.
I'm a female and I live alone.
And there are crazies in this world.

At first I assumed it was coyotes
because there was some last weekend.
Can't you see me shooting a coyote?! right

I'm on my way over and she tells me never mind.
It is her husband's friend dropping off his car.
I went over anyway to make sure
because I don't like that guy anyway.
And she won't come outside
or answer the phone!
Come to find out she was hiding in the bathroom.

That was the scariest shit ever.
I kept thinking how the hell am I gonna protect her with a gun I'm pretty sure I have forgotten how to shoot.
Needless to say,
I will be going to the range this weekend.

Our lives should be a tv show, I'm serious!

Weakness Wednesday

I have a huge weakness for anything peppemint
Esp this time of the year.

Here are some of my favs:

peppermint white mocha from starbucks
get in my belly!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What's On My Phone?

Got this idea here.

I'm pretty sure the camera on my (sometimes) beloved Blackberry
is used more often the my actual digital camera.

Here's a few pics for you to enjoy.

Me in one of Jarrod's work hats.
Marianne says it's not my best accessory. ha!

Homemade veggie soup.
I realize it looks more like noodle soup...
It was yum yum in my tum!

Shoes from the thrift store bc my Target heels were killing my toes.
They weren't even really heels. More like nubs.
Anyway, they're silver and not gold like they look here.

If you've never had Pierogies then OMG
you are srsly missing out.
Put some sour cream & they're an orgasm in your mouth!

I call them my tinfoil toes.
It really is cute in person though.
Thanks to Aerie for having 2 for $5 polishes! yay

Sunset from Grand Isle, Louisiana.
(no, I don't see anymore oil either.)
This is actually the background on my phone.
It compliments my already purple BB. 

IDK how to explain this
other than Marianne was doing it
so I had to see if I could do it... TA DA!

What's on your phone??