Lots of good times w/the Bestie
Including her birthday at the beach.
I moved home to Louisiana.
Started a new job, thanks to Heather.
Spent lots of time with Lindsey.
& learned how to play Beer Pong.

Divorce was FINAL!
Went to the zoo w/Donna.
LSU baseball game w/Lindsey.
Missed Mardi Gras parades because of rain,
but had a blast at the St. Patrick's Day Parade w/Heather.
Ampersand w/Heather & Lindsey.
Strawberry Festival w/Lindsey.
Lots of shopping w/Britney.
A day on the river.
Chee-Weez w/Kimmi.
& crawfish!
Saving Able & Meriwether at the Texas Club w/Lindsey.
Chloe's dance recital at the River Center.
Baseball, shrimp, tanning & Ampersand w/Heather.
The beach, river & pool filled a few days.
& Bon Jovi in Atlanta w/Mom.
Mom & Mark visited.
Chloe's softball games.
Weekends spent at Grand Isle
& the river.
Traveled back to Bama for Ryder's birth.
Visited Mom & Mark in Jax.
Long weekend spent at Gulf Shores.
Night in Downtown w/Kimmi.
LSU gameday parties w/Heather, Britney & Whittney.
Chloe's birthday party.
Mud Ridin at Tower Trax w/Britney.
Way too much alcohol w/Britney.
& an LSU game that included a sunburn.
Hinder w/Donna at The Varisty.
Eli Young Band w/Jeremy.
Washington Parish Fair.
Pumpkin carving.
Double date bowling w/Heather.
Weekends spent in Franklinton.
Moved into my own house.
Thanksgiving in Jax.
Breaking Dawn w/Jenny.
Breaking Dawn w/Jenny.
LSU game w/Jeremy.
I turned 27.
More weekends spent in Franklinton.
Christmas in Jax.
(sorry if I missed anything,
y'all know how my memory is!)
It was a really good year,
but I'm anxious to see what 2012 has in store.
Happy New Year!