Friday, October 29, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My Halloween plans this year will include hanging out with the Bestie.
Possibly going to The Landing Zone.

2. My most memorable Halloween costume was when my grandma made my Cleopatra outfit.

3. For Halloween this year I'm going to be a ladybug.

4. I've always wanted to dress up as Marie Antoinette

5. Halloween free association! candy corn, pumpkins, costumes.

6. The worst thing about Halloween is deciding on a costume!

7. The best thing about Halloween is being able to dress up... duh

I love Betrayal

A soldier is fighting in the front. He receives a letter from his girlfriend telling him that she will marry a wealthy businessman, and that the soldier has to send her all her pictures. The soldier borrows about 20 pictures of girls from his fellow soldiers and sends them to his "faithful" girlfriend. When she opens the envelope, she finds a pile of pictures and a small note that says: "Please pick out your pictures because I cannot remember which is yours. Please be sure to send all other pictures!".

This was just too priceless not to share!

Words of the Day

Blogging Adventure

Day Seven:
Four turn offs.

1 - Tobacco Use

2 - Indecisiveness

3 - Insecurity

4 - Too much body hair

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weakness Wednesday

I have a huge weakness for anything pumpkin this time of year.

The candle in my office is Pumpkin Spice.

My Wallflowers at home are Creamy Pumpkin.

Pumpkin Spice Latte and Loaf at Starbucks.

Pumpkin bread, muffins, cupcakes...

Pumpkin Spice bubble bath. Yes, I'm serious.

I even found some Pumpkin Hershey's Kisses!

What's your weakness?

Blogging Adventure

Day Six:
Five people
who mean a lot to you.

1 - Mom

2 - Mark

3 - Papa

4 - Chloe

5 - Rachel


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

funny story

It's only funny now.
It was NOT funny yesterday when it happened.

Some of you may know from my other blog that I gave up Cokes.
All dark sodas to be more specific.

It has been over a year since I've had any.
It was a horrible process.
Caffeine is a serious drug.
(yes, I gave back in to that. just not Cokes.)
Headache for about 4 days straight.

I know Cokes were a serious issue for me.
About 5 a day to none, cold turkey.
I have avoided them like the plague.
I even almost choked to death one time because all that was in my reach was a Coke and I positively refused to put it in my mouth.

Well, I ordered a sweet tea from McDonalds last night.
The dumb bitches gave me Coke.
I didn't know until I took a sip. obvi.
I was driving. Almost wrecked.
Seriously had a mental breakdown.
It was like cocaine. In my mouth.

I was so upset and disappointed.
I had worked sooo hard. And it had been destroyed.
I know it wasn't my fault but it still stung. Bad.
I teared up and wanted to bawl my eyes out.

& OMG did I want to drink the rest of that Coke.
Marianne had to dump it down the sink when we got to her house.

My skin was crawling.
I was shaking.
I wanted to throw up and get it out of my stomach.

I am positively astounded at how I reacted.
It's actually quite scary to me.
I was not prepared for it to affect me that bad.

You may think I'm crazy, but addictions are serious.
Think of something you're addicted to.
Think about giving it up.
Think about being forced to take it back unprepared.

But I will not cave. I'm not giving in because that happened.
No matter how bad I want to...

10 on Tuesay

via Angela

1. What is your favorite decor item in your house?
A little owl that the bestie got me just because.

2. What is your favorite hair product?

3. Are you a good dancer?
Nope. haha

4. You get some good news, who’s the first person you call?
depends on what the news is...

5. Would you rather take pictures, or be in pictures?
Take. def

6. What is your shoe style?
Flip Flops

7. How often do you eat out?
Too much. Usually once a day. ugh

8. If someone has food in their teeth, do you tell them?
If I know the person. Otherwise no.

9. Do you fold your underwear?
No. People do that??

10. Milk, dark, or white chocolate?
White Chocolate. Preferably with coconut.

Blogging Adventure

Day Five:
Six things you wish you could change
or you wish you’d never done.

1 - Wish I had stayed in college.

2 - Wish I had not got married, either time.

3 - Wish I had moved to Las Vegas when my parents did.

4 - Wish I had never let myself gain so much weight.

5 - Wish I had not got this "K" on my wrist. gag

6 - Wish I had done my 6 front teeth instead of just 2.

But I have no regrets. Just lessons learned.

Words of the Day

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blogging Adventure

Day Four:
Seven things
that cross your mind a lot.

1 - Should I go back to school or not.

2 - Will I ever have the motivation I need.

3 - I need to learn to save money.

4 - Why I was overlooked.

5 - What I want out of life.

6 - Do I have skin cancer.

7 - Will I ever find my King.

Words of the Day

I wish I could explain just how perfect this is...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blogging Adventure

Day Three:
Eight things
you couldn't live without.

1 - Mom

2 - Friends

3 - Cell Phone

4 - Chapstick

5 - Carbs

6 - Camera

7 - Internet

8 - Car


Friday, October 22, 2010

Blogging Adventure

Day Two:
Nine things about yourself
that most people don't know.

1 - I haven't seen my natural hair color since I was 13.

2 - I curse like a sailor.

3 - This is my 2nd divorce.

4 - I spent the first 8 years of my life in Southern Illinois.

5 - I daydream. A lot.

6 - I  have never smoked anything. Not even one puff.

7 - I want to be cremated. Cannot stand the thought of being in the ground for someone to dig up later.

8 - I'm very selfish. I think I hide it well, but maybe I don't...

9 - I keep a lot of stuff to myself. One day it's all gonna come out though.

Words of the Day

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween Costume Help

I need help people!

I want to use my old wedding dress as a Halloween costume.
But not really sure how...

I pretty much want to destroy it.

Here's the dress:

Any ideas?!?

Blogging Adventure

Day One:
Ten things you want to say
to ten different people right now.

1 - I cannot deal with your problems when I'm struggling with my own.
2 - Back the fuck up, you're annoying me to death!
3 - I hope you're happy. Honestly and truely happy.
4 - If she knew, we'd both be dead in a ditch somewhere.
5 - You speak of resentment like you expect me to not have any.
6 - I'm so proud of you!
7 - You can sugarcoat it all you want. It only tastes good to you.
8 - You should leave your wife. She's using you and will dispose of you when she's done.
9 - You make me feel like a convenience more than anything else.
10 - It could have been amazing, dumbass.

Words of the Day

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 Day Blogging Adventure

Here are the daily instructions for this 10 day blogging adventure:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.

Day Three: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

Day Five: Six things you wish you could change or you wish you’d never done.

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot to you.

Day Seven: Four turn offs.

Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now.

Day Ten: One confession.

I think I can handle 10 days, we shall see...
Starting tomorrow.
Join along!


Things lifted up after yesterday's emo post.

bee eff eff bought my fav candy bar
and a cute card that made me feel special.

bestie gave me lots of good stuff that she was getting rid of.
and we laughed. a lot.

& I got flowers delivered at work today
from a cute boy. in Louisiana.

I haven't gotten flowers since HIGH SCHOOL.
just sayin.

Weakness Wednesday

Right now my weakness is Green River Ordinance.
Just watch/listen.
They are amazing!

Words of the Day

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It's been an overloaded day.
I've been pushed to my limits.
Too much to handle in one day.

First, I slept late.

Second, I went to get tags for my new car and the paperwork was wrong.

Third, I had to pay $23.50 to renew my license and they wouldn't replace my middle name with my maiden to make life a little easier.

Fourth, I freaked out on the way to work about having lunch with my spermdonor. Luckily, I had an old friend to talk me down from my hysterics.

Fifth, my best friend's husband got his orders and it's far away and I'm not happy for them because they aren't happy and it's just sad.

Sixth, lunch with spermdonor was heartbreaking. All he talks about is his son.

I want to go home and go to bed and start fresh tomorrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend ReCap

Had a wonderful 3 day weekend.

Started off Thursday night at the Woppman's for Jersey Shore.
That's my spot on their floor. Mine.
Yes, I realize my tan is fading. oopsie

Friday was the Bon Jovi concert.
I suggest women buy their bras from Aerie. just sayin.

Green River Ordinance was amazing.
I suggest you listen to their muisc ASAP!

Of course Bon Jovi rocked the 35,000 people that showed up.
We had amazing seats. I literally teared up when they came on.

Jon was as energetic as always.

And Richie even had an Alabama shaped guitar!

Saturday I went to Aplin Farms w/the parents.

Are these piggies not the cutest hay critters ever?!

Yesterday the bestie and I went shopping.
Had dinner at Cracker Barrel.
And attempted to get the window chalk off my car. It didn't work...


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Itty Bitty Edward

Jenny and I have made a new blog.

You must check it out!

Word of the Day

Well, I tried...

My washer decided to quit spinning/draining.

My landlord won't fix it.

I'm a single woman. No man in the house.

I have no truck to even take it anywhere.
As if I could load it anyway.

So, before dishing out money for someone to look at it and then fix it I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I found some instructions on the internet and went for it.
I ended up flooding my laundry room.
And couldn't even get the back off because the screws were rusted.
Between Marianne and myself we tried everything possible before giving up. And to be a fly on the wall during the whole situation would have made for good reality tv.

But, of course, we aren't washer pros and were not successful.

All I can say is I tried, and it feels good to not just have wasted money.

I'm already dreading the phone calls to repairmen. ugh

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Weakness Wednesday

I have a huge weakness for Bon Jovi.

I went to my first concert in April
and have another one on Friday.

I am sooo effing excited. srsly

What do you have a weakness for?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed?
Eat. Mostly carbs.

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?
I don't know... Yall tell me what I've done weird for you!

3. What cleaning supply could you not live without?

4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside?
idk. not forever.
5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all?
Usually straight.

6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for?
make stuff. crafty stuff.

7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people?
Urban Outfitteres

8. What’s the weather like around you today?
Hot but it's supposed to rain later and we need it!

9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read?
Charlie St. Cloud. I couldn't finish it. But loved the movie.
10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow?


Friday, October 8, 2010

Dating Sucks

I've never really dated per say.
I've always jumped from relationship to relationship.

I am trying to do things differently this time.
But dating seems to be one viscous circle.

Guys dating the same girls their circle of friends date
becomes a little uncomfortable for me.

& ex girlfriends are just never fun to deal with.

With that being said I'm gonna try a new approach.
No more chasing and going after what I think I want.
No more going on Man Hunting Missions.

I want to be chased. Pursued.
Basically, I want a guy with balls.
Preferably a Gentleman.

Wish me luck!

Words of the Day

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

LOVE this song right now!

Words of the Day


Everyone has their bad moments.
Myself included.

& I like to think I've been getting better at having a more positive outlook on life.

BUT so many people are negative, it's hard to do.

I had an amazing day yesterday.
An email from a negative person squashed that this morning.

No matter what I do or say, it's never good enough.
I only receive critisism, never praise.
I'd be happy with a "Good Luck!" Period.

I realize I'm complaining. But it hurts. stings. burns.
This person is supposed to be part of my support.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Words of the Day

10 on Tuesday

1. Growing up, what was one favorite item that you had to have with you at all times?
I have a bad memory. So this is kinda hard for me. But I'm pretty sure it was some kinda baby doll and my Nanny likes to remind me about a Glow Worm Doll from time to time

2. Being an adult, what is one favorite item that you have to have with you at all times, and what happens if you do not have it with you? Do you lose your sanity or just go back home to get it?
I hate having to say this but my cell phone. I'd be lost without it.

3. Where is your favorite place to be to just hide away from everything and breathe for a moment?
If I'm at home, a hot bubble bath. Otherwise the beach.

4. What is your favorite thing about your partner? (If you don’t have a partner, then someone who is very close and will always be in your life)
Eff this questions. just sayin. I think I'm officially sick of being single. blah 

5. What is your favorite thing about your job? (If you don’t have a job, then what is your favorite thing that you do during your day?)
The ladies I work with. They are like my family.

6. What is your favorite lesson that your parents taught you growing up? Looking back, is it something that you want to use to teach your children when they reach that age?
My mom didn't purposely teach me this lesson but by being on stepdad #3 says a lot. I learned men come and go. I don't want to have children, and this is probably a big factor as to why.

7. What is your favorite song, that will always bring a smile to your face and make you think of something happy?
Runaway, Bon Jovi

8. What is your favorite things about being an American? (If you not American, what are you proud of in regards to your country)
Being free. I don't feel like going in depth but I like our women's rights.

9. What is your favorite meal that reminds you of being a child?
Fish sticks and mac and cheese. yumo

10. Name 3 things that other people would say are their favorite thing about you.
I hate these type of things. People don't really go around listing my qualities...
I would think they'd say I'm a good friend, funny and helpful.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Words of the Day

Feel Your Boobies!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

But you should remember to feel your boobies every month!

I do it for my bestie, who do you do it for?
(other than yourself, of course)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello October!

I think I had a pretty productive September.
I'm very proud to be living life more fully!

Seen LSU play in ATL w/dad

Ate at The Varisty. YUMO

Spent Labor Day on a motorcycle
with my Great Aunt & Great Uncle

And made lots of new friends.

I went home and celebrated 14 years of friendship.

Seen Easy A
It's a riot, must see.

Shopped for Antiques w/Donna.
Look! It's LANCE!

Went tailgatin with Linds.

I witnessed true love from the back seat of my car.
Mark my words, they'll be together one day.
Even if it's 20 years from now.
& dontcha wanna know what I was doin in the back?
Shhh. I'll never tell. haha

High School was visited.
Ah, the hot football player memories.

Discovered I have white turkeys
and annoying peacocks as neighbors.

I went out for girl's night with some new friends.

Got an awesome carepackage from Japan.

I even got a new car.
All by myself!

Can't wait to see what's in store for October!