Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November ReCap

Gosh! I feel like I just did this for October.
Life is just flying by way too fast.

November was good.
It's not even cold yet!

I watched LSU beat Bama w/the Bestie
Yes, she is wearing an LSU shirt, I am so proud.

Finally got the bestie & bee eff eff together for girl's night.
We did lots of shopping, and flirting with jailbait.
Even got Jenny in the wind machine at the mall. haha

Went to St. Augustine, FL
for some Christmas shopping.
& hung out with pirates.

Spent Thanksgiving with my parents.
& helped them move into a bigger apartment.

The leaves finally started changing in South Alabama.
It is beautiful here now.

How was your November?

Words of the Day

Monday, November 29, 2010

Everybody loves mail!

Don't you love gettin mail?
I sure do, I know you do too!

If you want to swap Christmas cards
email me your address: jbfox3@gmail.com

& don't assume I have yours if we are real life friends.
Go ahead and send it to me anyway!

Turkey Day ReCap

Tuesday night I had to go the ER.
Effing Kidney Stones.
I am ready to murder my urologist at this point.

I got home at 1 in the morning and slept until 12:30.
Obviously, I didn't go to work.
Which means I had a 5 day weekend.

It was a looong drive to Jacksonville after being pumped full of pain meds all night. But somehow I survived and the traffic wasn't even too bad. I got pretty lucky.

Thursday we ate about 1 then took a nap.
Mom and I went to see Burlesque.
Movie on Turkey Day is always a must.

After the movie we stayed busy until it was midnight to hit the Black Friday sale at Wal-Mart. It was insane and I didn't get what I wanted, Vampire Diaries Season 1 at $12.99. But I got some good sheets and movies at cheap prices.

We went home and slept for a few hours then went to the Town Center at 8.
You know I had to hit up Aerie. Their sale wasn't that amazing.
20% off everything except what was on sale for $20.
I did spend a lot of money there though, of course.
Aerie makes me happy. Even though it makes me broke. haha

We also went to Mom's favorite thrift store and they were having a 50% off all clothing sale. I got 2 pairs of work pants and a Old Navy sweater. So exciting!

Saturday was spent moving.
My parents moved into a bigger apt in the same complex.
I'm happy for them. It's much bigger.
Not that they need more space. But it's always nice to have.
Especially if I ever need to move home...

It was a long exhuasting weekend but it was good to be with my parents.

How was your Thanksgiving?

Words of the Day

Movie Monday

Mom and I seen Burlesque on Thanksgiving.
It was much better than I thought it was gonna be.
Christina's singing gave me a serious headache
but Cam Gingandet made it amazing.
He deserves as award for this, srsly.

I cannot wait to see these movies:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I was all excited about Thanksgiving.
And going to spend the long weekend with my parents.

That is until the drive to work this morning.
When I realized I would be alone this holiday season.

I cannot even remember the last time I was single on Thanksgiving.

I am dreading it now,
but maybe I'll enjoy it when it gets here.

I know I'm glad that I don't have to entertain Kevin.
Gosh, he was so effing stressful.
I really wonder how I don't have gray hair...

My Mom is supposed to be off Thurs - Sun.
If not, I'll be coming home early.
I dang sure am not sitting there alone in the house.
Jax is not a happy place for me. Bad decisions are always made.

I'm also dreading the 5 hour drive, alone. ugh

Pretty sure this is not how I wanted to feel for the holidays.

Words of the Day

Everyone always roots for the girl who wins in the end.
The girl who gets to be with the guy because he left another girl for her.
But the thing is that sometimes, we forget about the first girl.
The girl who ends up with a broken heart.
We try to justify it by saying "if he left her, she must have not been a good person"
but what if she was?
What if she always tried to make him smile,
always tried to be a good listener,
always tried to be kind?
What if the girl who wins in the end
gets the guy through deceitful and indecent actions?

I think we all need to take a step back from cheering for the girl with the happy ending,
 to remember the girl who may have unwillingly suffered for her happy ending.

It hurts to be on the other side of it sometimes. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Movie Monday

The Bestie & I went to the Drive In Friday night.

RED was amazing.  A MUST SEE!

Unstoppable was good but super stressful.
Like it seriously made my stomach hurt!
But Chris Pines is effing HOTT.

I cannot wait to see these movies:

How Do You Know

The Eagle

Words of the Day

Friday, November 19, 2010

All Night Long

Yall know how much I love this song right?
Well, it was #1 on this day in 1983.
(before I was born. ha!)

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My Thanksgiving plans this year will include driving 5 hours to Jacksonville, Florida to spend it with my parents.
and going to Aerie and Urban Outfitters on Black Friday.
then helping parents move in to bigger apartment that they got because I'm pretty sure they think I'm going to come running home but IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

2. My favorite Thanksgiving was
a few years ago when we got to spend it with my niece Chloe.
I miss her more than ever, another reason to move home to Louisiana.

3. My signature Thanksgiving dish is
anything from a box and that I can just pop in the oven.
seriously, the cooking is left up to my parents.

4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes.
same as any other time of the year.

5. Thanksgiving free association! 
turkey, ham, potatoes, family, cranberry sauce

6. Thansgiving is
a wonderful holiday spent with my parents.
7. I am thankful for
wonderful parents.
a best friend who does more for me than I will ever be able to repay.
good health.
being able to support myself, even though it's hard.


Yesterday was one of those "I want a man" days.
Like the worst one I've  had yet.
And it's been almost 6 months! ugh

As I was reading blogs this morning,
Yani had a wonderful post that struck very close to home:

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you,nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
Allow your intuition(or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant tobe.
Slower is better.

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as youdeserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat afriend. Don't settle.

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then heprobably is.
Don't stay because you think "it will get better."
You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.
He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant,
why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything.
He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behavior.
Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...
even if he has more education or in a better job.

Do not make him into a quasi-god.
He is a man, nothing more, nothing less.

Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone else's man.
If he cheated with her, he'll cheat on you.

A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the ending...
compromise is a two way street.

You need time to heal between relationships...
there is nothing cute about baggage...
Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...
a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...
look for someone complimentary...
not supplementary.

Dating is fun...
even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes...
when a man always knows where you are and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted.

Never move into his mother's house.

Never co-sign for a man.
Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.

Words of the Day

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog Award

Got this from the bee eff eff at Strictly Strickland's

Rule 1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award.
Rule 2. Share 7 things about yourself:

1 - I recently had an insane craving for cheese puffs but it's now squashed.
I realized last night that they have MSG and that was that. whoopsie

2 - Speaking of that, I eat while I'm in the tub enjoying my bubble bath. No lie.

3 - I am a speed reader. (if the book is good)
I get sucked in and can't put a good book down.
I started Taken by Midnight last night and almost finished it.

4 - I think my Mirena has come out of place.
Talk about heart failure.
Good thing I'm single and not having sex.
(was that tmi? sorry)

5 - I'm going to put my Christmas tree and decor up this weekend.
I'm finally in the Christmas spirit and kinda excited about it!

6 - I have bought a lot of stuff for diy projects lately.
And haven't done any of them...

7 - I hate socks.
They literally put me in an extremely foul mood.

Rule 3. Pass it along to 5 bloggy friends

Breaking Dawn

364 days until Breaking Dawn Part 1 comes out!
(yes, I waited until we had less than a year)

Do you even know how much I'm in love with the greatness of most of it being filmed in the state of Louisiana? I don't think I can even explain, just understand it!

It is even said that the wedding cake will be made at this bakery.
Which is in my hometown of Denham Springs. HOLLER!

Is anyone else excited that he has manscaped some?
And check out the wedding ring! awww

I'm not sure if this is old or not, but I'm in LOVE.

Words of the Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weakness Wednesday

I've had a recent craving for cheese puffs.
I mean, insane craving.

Yes, I feel my arteries clogging
and the 30 lbs I lost coming back on...

Must Haves

Some things I have been dreaming about...

This robe from Aerie.
I would never want to get dressed!

This gift set from Ulta.
I must have that roller ball!

This Croc hair straightener.
A friend has it and I fell in mad love.

This shirt from Football Fanatics.

What's on your Wish List?

Words of the Day

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Most of you know that I don't want kids.
Never have.

Even though I'm trying to live day to day,
it's hard to not think about that when you're "talking" to someone.

So, I asked him last night.
Maybe it was too early but oh well.

I got a reply pretty quick.
"Yea I do"
Then "Do you?"
and before I could answer "One day at least one I guess"

I wish I could've seen the smile on my face.
Because it seemed like we were on the same page.

My reply was "On first instinct, no I don't. Never have. But if I think about it I realize I may possibly want one if I found someone I wanted to have a family with. It's just not on my to do list like it is most people's."

And that's the God's honest truth.
I never fully understood how girls knew at 8 they wanted to have babies.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, at all.
I'm just saying I'm not part of the group that my life plan was to get married and have babies.

Maybe it was my childhood.
Maybe it is me being selfish.

And I really do hate that my Mom probably won't have any grandchildren but that is not a reason to have a baby.

Side note:
Why do I need a baby anyway?
All my friends will/do have one and I can just be Auntie Jess!

Blogging Funk

I've been in a blogging funk.
I just don't enjoy blogging anymore.
I enjoy my WotD posts and that's about it.

I used to love being able to get my feelings out
but now I just don't want the judgement or ridicule.
So, I've started a Livejournal.
It's private. Don't ask to see it.
It does have a purpose,
there's a few things I need to keep up with health wise that I don't feel needs to be shared on my blog.
And other things that I know friends are sick of hearing about, or just don't even care to listen.

I am going to keep my blog.
I just hope I can find something worth blogging about...

10 on Tuesday

1. What is your favorite breakfast pastry?
Donut holes
2. Were you ever in a Thanksgiving or Christmas play?
Didn't have much of a choice in elementary school.

3. What is your favorite clothing accessory?
I don't accessorize very well...
but my sailor necklace from the bestie.
4. What is your favorite item of clothing?
LSU hoodie
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Pink. it's pretty.

6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie?
7. What is your favorite scent (food, perfume/lotion)
8. What is your favorite household cleaner?

9. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
 And what did you actually grow up to be?
I wanted to be a marine biologist.
I haven't really grown up into a job...
10. What is the last song or album you bought?
Jason Aldean, I Aint Ready to Quit

Words of the Day

Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend Re-Cap

The bestie and I went to Jacksonville for the weekend.
Needed to get some Christmas shopping done.
It was extremely exhausting, but we had a good time.

Lunch at Maggiano's on Saturday.
It was sooo good.
& our waiter was quite the cutie.

St. Augustine on Sunday.
Which, of course, was perfect photo opps.
It is my absolute favorite city.
If you haven't been, GO!

Words of the Day

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

got this from Lauren

1. The most spontaneous thing I've ever done was
ohmygosh this is hard! ummm idk.

2. The best gift I've ever received was
diamond earrings

3. A time that I was truly and genuinely surprised was
when an old friend popped up again

4. I can't leave the house without
my cell phone

5. My favorite day of the week is

6. Something that can always make me laugh is
Zach Galifianakis & a certain pic of the Bestie

7. My perfect day would include
being alone, the beach, sun, daiquiris, a good book

Words of the Day

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Today has been straight from the depths of hell.

Actually, pretty much all week has been.

Sometimes you just need people to be there for you.

Just to listen.

Just to nod and smile.

But it seems I need to learn to just keep my problems to myself
and deal with them on my own.

As I was on the verge of a major panic attack I realized something.

After all I have dealt with recently, I can't let this bring me down.

So, I won't.

I'm going to stop being the victim.

I'm going to stop caring so much about things I cannot control.

I am way past the point of wanting to just be happy.

And I'm going to have to make that happen all on my own.

Thank You to Our Veterans

I grew up a very patriotic child.
& am still a very patriotic adult.

Listening to war stories from my great-grandpa, Papa, who served in World War II. I spent many nights at the VFW with sad old men who loved to tell their stories. My Papa was so proud of his service to this country. Here is a picture of him and my great-aunt. He was so handsome!

My grandpa, Bill, was a little more reserved with his war stories and I wasn't aware of his service until I was much older. Him and his brother, David, served in the Cold War (Vietnam). Here's a pic of him in his Army issued glasses from 1971.

My greatgrandpa, step greatgrandpa, and great greatgrandpa all served in the Army.

My uncle Ron did time in the Navy.
And uncle Brian in the Army.

My first husband was Navy.
Second husband did Navy and then Army.
Both served time in Iraq.

I have many friends that are in or did time.
Derrick, Barry, Ben, Cody, Joe & Russ.

I am thankful and proud to all Veterans.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Words of the Day

10 on Tuesday

1. Who makes your Thanksgiving dinner? Usually my parents.

2. What is your favorite recipe the includes pumpkin?
 (bonus points for including the recipe)
Pumpkin Bread

3. What are 5 things you want for Christmas?
good hair straightener
new phone
Aerie giftcard

4. Does your family draw names or do you buy for everyone?
My parents and I exchange gifts, that's it.

5. How do you feel about motorcycles?
I enjoy them... that was RANDOM.

6. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday?
Stay in bed and watch movies.

7. What is the coolest thing to do in your city?
You're joking right?
Ummm... shop

8. Do you paint your fingernails?
Sure do

9. Who is your favorite actor over the age of 50?
Chris Noth was the first to come to mind.

10. Do you have a high school letter jacket?
def not

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Words of the Day

How About Them Tigers?!?

I went into yesterday pretty sure we were gonna lose.
But of all games, this is the one I DID NOT want to lose.
It's personal to any LSU fan. & I've been one since I was 11.

I watched Nick Saban turn us into a Powerhouse football team.
I also watched him leave us.
Like I said, it's personal.
Nothing feels better than to beat HIM.
And we hadn't done it in 2 years so it was damn exciting!

Living in Alabama, it is HARD to be an LSU fan.
I get harassed nonstop. I'm not making this up.
Usually I just suck it up and take it, LSU fans don't act that way.
But we've beat them now, I don't have to take shit talking anymore.
And I can't even explain how exciting that is!

No, not everyone is rude.
Jenny, for instance, it's not a meanie to me and she is a true blue Bama fan.
& her husband likes to give me hell, but not in an asshole way.
But, oh about 98% of Bama fans are rude as fuck to LSU fans.

Back to the game...

It was a pretty boring first 3 quarters.
But I know our coach, you can't count us out.
Not even when there's only 30 seconds left in the game.
So I stayed positive. I knew he was up to some stuff.
He always is.

I have loved Les Miles from day 1.
Yes, I comprehend why fellow Lousianians don't like him so much.
And to all the Les haters - you don't get to enjoy yesterday's victory!
I think he is an amazing coach. He has balls no coach ever had in college football.
By the way his team stands behind him, you'd think the fans could too.

I mean, who can't love a coach who eats grass on national television?
“I have a little tradition that lets me know that I’m part of the field and part of the game,” Miles said. “I’ll tell you one thing. The grass at Tiger Stadium tastes better.”

Patrick Peterson was amazing.
I do believe he'd make a good third husband... haha

I watched the game at the Besties.
She even wore an LSU shirt. I was sooo proud!

Friday, November 5, 2010


If only for just for a night, you made me feel beautiful and wanted. I look upon our night together as a gift. I know what we had was brief, but every time time I stop for a minute, I replay those moments in my mind. I know we may never be together again, but I want you to know that you’ve had an impact on me.

i am continuously comparing every relationship with you. will it ever be replaceable? i don’t think so. i think about you every day. i never got to say it, but i love you every bit.

I am waiting for you. It’s really getting lonely and I really need you. I need something real, something to rest my head on - could you please hurry up? I want to love you.

talking to you, even if its about nothing, is the highlight of my day.

The problem is, I don't hate you. At all. I wish I did.
The real problem is that I love you. And there's nothing I can do about it.

this is why i could not sleep last night

when you suddenly began talking to me again that day something in me came alive once more- i thought i had buried you for good. it's almost comical to watch what happens within me after anything and everything you do- the way i feel inside, the way my head spins into overdrive when you even begin to look at me, your eyes searching my face-
i still remember trying to fall asleep at night back then- i would smother myself in pillows and blankets and pretend i was in the arctic, tucked into a crevice with you and only you by my side, your cheek warm against mine, the stars dancing in the sky.

then when all of a sudden everything died out i imagined i had waited too long- all the moments you had spent with me, moments you chose not to spend with anyone else, moments i took for granted. i told myself you weren't my type of guy, i told myself you'd be all better some day-

this is why i could not sleep last night


1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation,
what would it be?
Photography. I really wish I had went to school for it.

2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?
House at the beach. No question there. The beach is my home.

3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?
I don't have children but if I have a girl her name will be Sailor. I do not remember specifically why I loved this name but I decided on it in junior high. And Tegan for a boy. BUT I'm pretty sure there's no children in my future...

4. What is your guilty pleasure?
I have to pick one? ugh
Ummm... right now it's anything pumpkin.

5. Do you live in a house that is deep cleaned or straightened?
Straightened. I live alone. Rarely have visitors...
But if I have time this weekend I feel a deep clean coming on.

got this from Kelli

Geaux Tigers!

Tomorrow is the Big Game.

LSU & Alabama

I wanted to be home for it
but it just didn't work out that way.

Maybe next year!

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My last haircut was September.
She messed up my bangs.  ugh

2. My most daring hair moment was when I cut off 8 inches this year. Whew

3. A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is short short.
 I have to have a ponytail

4. I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) blonde.
 I have been but not sure I will ever be again...

5. My go-to hair do is ponytail! Mostly from lazyness.

6. My biggest hair disaster was when I went super bleach blonde. yucko

7. A hairstyle I am dying to try is fishtail brade.

8. My best hair day was 7.14.07

9. The worst hairstyle I ever had was a bowl cut in elementary.
10. My hair is ok. I don't love it or hate it. I have good days and bad.
got this from Lauren

Words of the Day