Friday, November 19, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My Thanksgiving plans this year will include driving 5 hours to Jacksonville, Florida to spend it with my parents.
and going to Aerie and Urban Outfitters on Black Friday.
then helping parents move in to bigger apartment that they got because I'm pretty sure they think I'm going to come running home but IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

2. My favorite Thanksgiving was
a few years ago when we got to spend it with my niece Chloe.
I miss her more than ever, another reason to move home to Louisiana.

3. My signature Thanksgiving dish is
anything from a box and that I can just pop in the oven.
seriously, the cooking is left up to my parents.

4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes.
same as any other time of the year.

5. Thanksgiving free association! 
turkey, ham, potatoes, family, cranberry sauce

6. Thansgiving is
a wonderful holiday spent with my parents.
7. I am thankful for
wonderful parents.
a best friend who does more for me than I will ever be able to repay.
good health.
being able to support myself, even though it's hard.

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