Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Most of you know that I don't want kids.
Never have.

Even though I'm trying to live day to day,
it's hard to not think about that when you're "talking" to someone.

So, I asked him last night.
Maybe it was too early but oh well.

I got a reply pretty quick.
"Yea I do"
Then "Do you?"
and before I could answer "One day at least one I guess"

I wish I could've seen the smile on my face.
Because it seemed like we were on the same page.

My reply was "On first instinct, no I don't. Never have. But if I think about it I realize I may possibly want one if I found someone I wanted to have a family with. It's just not on my to do list like it is most people's."

And that's the God's honest truth.
I never fully understood how girls knew at 8 they wanted to have babies.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, at all.
I'm just saying I'm not part of the group that my life plan was to get married and have babies.

Maybe it was my childhood.
Maybe it is me being selfish.

And I really do hate that my Mom probably won't have any grandchildren but that is not a reason to have a baby.

Side note:
Why do I need a baby anyway?
All my friends will/do have one and I can just be Auntie Jess!


Jenny Strickland said...

Auntie Jess!

I think you will have babies one day!

Jenny Strickland said...

And who are you "talking" to?

Yani said...

I totally agree I didnt understand girls saying I want a baby at 8 no not me I wanted to travel the world and be a lawyer all that until I was 17 then I just wanted to travel the world lol but you are right maybe you dont want children because you havent found the one because when I found the one that came to be part of what we wanted and look at me now with a 5 yr old and sometimes i want another one sometimes I dont that dont make me a bad person is just not in me and dont worry i bet u when u find the right one you will want one ;0) btw look at u talking 2 someone u go girly

Donna Jo said...

I'm the same way girly! Some days I'm all "man, I want a baby right now" then the next is "man I don't want one of those, I'll stick with my pets"... lol.. but yeah.. you'll definitely be Auntie Jess if it happens...and if you're the one that has one I'll be JoJo, k?

♥His Lil Cuntree Queen♥ said...

I love that you are not one that fits into the crowd of I wannna get married and have babies. Cause they are a lot of work and they are all your responsibility:)I however was never a traveler and it was my dream to get married and raise a family someday..Now I have 2 rug rats runnin around:)wouldn't change it for nothin!

I think a lot of things are open to change when you find that PERSON that you are meant to be with. I think you grow together and set goals together that may or may not involve children:)I do think you you want one, and I do think you will be a good momma..I think also you let the fear of the unknown get the best of you. But when you know you have a life partner and you won't be alone with the unknown, your mind will change:)but if you don't even for a second want one, thats somethin to for sure let THE ONE know before you settle down with them.

I still think you do tho:)

I have a list of reasons that you should have one or two:)they are everything rolled into one and the best adventure ever:)fill your time, your heart, your arm's, your house..and they love you more then anything or anyone probably ever will:)it is a true bitter sweet joy to watch them grow, learn and turn into little people every single day:)