Friday, November 5, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My last haircut was September.
She messed up my bangs.  ugh

2. My most daring hair moment was when I cut off 8 inches this year. Whew

3. A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is short short.
 I have to have a ponytail

4. I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) blonde.
 I have been but not sure I will ever be again...

5. My go-to hair do is ponytail! Mostly from lazyness.

6. My biggest hair disaster was when I went super bleach blonde. yucko

7. A hairstyle I am dying to try is fishtail brade.

8. My best hair day was 7.14.07

9. The worst hairstyle I ever had was a bowl cut in elementary.
10. My hair is ok. I don't love it or hate it. I have good days and bad.
got this from Lauren


Yani said...

why u not sure if u going blonde again??? what happened on 7.17.07?????lol i know im nosy lol oxox same here i dont love my hair but i dont hate it i wish i was back in jax so my girl can do my hair i will be fabulous!!!

JB said...

it was when I got married. my hair was gorgeous! lol