Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed?
Eat. Mostly carbs.

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?
I don't know... Yall tell me what I've done weird for you!

3. What cleaning supply could you not live without?

4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside?
idk. not forever.
5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all?
Usually straight.

6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for?
make stuff. crafty stuff.

7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people?
Urban Outfitteres

8. What’s the weather like around you today?
Hot but it's supposed to rain later and we need it!

9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read?
Charlie St. Cloud. I couldn't finish it. But loved the movie.
10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow?

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