Friday, March 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. The best deal I've ever gotten
was free Bon Jovi tickets that ended up being front row.

2. If I were hosting a dinner party
and could invite people from my fantasy guest list it would include
Vince Vaughn, Kristen Wigg & Kat Williams

3. Something that inspires me is
beautiful weather.

4. If I could only choose to eat one flavor of food for the rest of eternity (sweet, salty, spicy, bitter....)
I would have to go with
salty because that's what I crave the most.

5. I dream about
nothing and if I do then I forget it.
Boring I know.

6. My weekend will be spent
with friends and the boyf.

7. If I could only watch one movie or TV show for the rest of my life, it would be
Wedding Crashers

got this from Lauren, as always

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