Friday, July 23, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Got this from Alexandria!

{1.} A very nostalgic place that reminds me of being a kid is the beach or a pool. I was a fish growing up. If I was in the water, I was happy and content.

{2.} If someone really wants to show me how much they love me they will let me by myself and not want me to change who I am.

{3.} Lately I've been wondering a lot about where my life is headed. I know I should know that answer, but I don't.

{4.} When it comes to saving money I fail. I have gotten better though. It's def much easier to do when you are single!

{5.} I'd prefer winter over summer never!

{6.} I wish I knew how to make chicken and dumplins. I just cannot seem to grasp it.

{7.} I'm just waiting for this work day to be over so I can start the night out with Marianne. I have not had a night out in 4 years. I am very excited! It's time to find some trouble!

1 comment:

♥His Lil Cuntree Queen♥ said...

I thought you hated winter? Hope you have a great time tonight..don't do anything I wouldn't do;)