Thursday, December 23, 2010

What's on my phone?!

A lot of NSYNC reminiscing has been going on.
Jenny found this beauty at our local thrift store.

Found this cutie pie at the same thrift store.
It's ancient but I had to have it.

Apparently these are not rare,
but it was my first time seeing a miniature toilet.
We were in Paducah, KY.

The bestie & me in some really large pants.
We are easily entertained. haha

Some of you are aware of the peacocks.
The one's that annoy me incessantly.
I would love to run those suckers over!

Mom's spoiled brats.

Me freezing to death in Missouri.
I hate the cold. I mean I HATE it!

Aerie is weird sometimes.
They gave me a whole bag of twine.
I wrapped the bestie's gifts w/it though...

I got a major kick out of this sign.
Guess where it is...

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