Tuesday, January 25, 2011

eff my life

Some of you may not want to hear this
because you read my other blog.
But I need to vent!

I was doing sooo good with my weight loss.
I had gotten down to 153.
I had lost 34 pounds!

I weighed 155 on January 3rd.
This morning, I weighed 166.
That's an 11 lb gain in 3 weeks.
That's almost 4 lbs a week.
oh em gee!

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.
Now I'm back to having 26 lbs to lose.

1 comment:

Donna Jo said...

it could be worse, girl! I'm back to my original starting weight.. yeah.. that's + a hell of a lot of weight in 7 months :/ it pisses me off.. royally!! But anywho! Enough about me.. You can so slap off that weight in no time! I have faith in you!!