Friday, January 7, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Winter is the devil.
I hate it with all the passion I can muster up.

2. Summer is my most favorite season!

3. If it were summer instead of winter right now
I'd be making plans to go to the beach this weekend!
I'd also be wearing flip flops.

4. My favorite thing to do in winter is
bundle up in bed with a book.

5. My favorite thing to do in summer is
spend it at the beach!

6. The ideal outfit for a sunny summer day is
a summery dress and flip flops.
or jean shorts with a tank top.

7. The ideal outfit for a frigid winter day is
jeans and a hoodie.

got this here


Jennifer said...

Ugh, beeeeeeach, I want! haha. I'll wear flipflops no matter what season! I've even worn them when it was snowing out...that was a bad idea, by the way hehe :)

Vanessa said...

Oh how I miss the beach. I hate winter and the cold and snow. HATE. Bring on Spring and Summer please!