Wednesday, December 8, 2010

funny story

I had a very exciting night last night.
Scary exciting.

It's 8:30, I'm in bed.
The bestie texts me that something's going on behind her house.
(she lives across a small pond from me)
She said it sounded like a weed eater.
I told her it's probably the helicopters that I always mistake for a lawnmower.
But then she starts freaking out.
Saying it's making her house shake and for me to "get over here"
soon it's on her carport
"now jess"

I immediately start to freak out.
Because she is never scared of anything.
And if she's scared, I know it's time to freak. haha

So I'm scrambling around trying to put clothes on
and find my gun.
Yes, I have a gun.
I'm a female and I live alone.
And there are crazies in this world.

At first I assumed it was coyotes
because there was some last weekend.
Can't you see me shooting a coyote?! right

I'm on my way over and she tells me never mind.
It is her husband's friend dropping off his car.
I went over anyway to make sure
because I don't like that guy anyway.
And she won't come outside
or answer the phone!
Come to find out she was hiding in the bathroom.

That was the scariest shit ever.
I kept thinking how the hell am I gonna protect her with a gun I'm pretty sure I have forgotten how to shoot.
Needless to say,
I will be going to the range this weekend.

Our lives should be a tv show, I'm serious!

1 comment:

Donna Jo said...

OMG!! I'm so glad it wasn't anything! I know that had to be super scary! :/