Friday, January 14, 2011

Nail Polish Obsession

Most of you know I'm a nail polish freak.
I usually go thru at least 2 colors a week.

It's the simple pleasures in life people!

Well, I always find myself saying
"I have to many of that color"
when I'm out shopping for polish.

So, I decided to organize my stash.
It used to look like this:

I decided it needed to be "color coded."

Reds & Pinks

Browns & Purples

Blues & Greens
& everything inbetween

This is so much more less stressful!


Jenny Strickland said...

This is crazy!!!! You have so much! How do you know that you don't have a color when you go buy a new one?

Donna Jo said...

Wow! I don't even have enough to fill up that basket beside one of those containers, haha.. Of course, when I find a color I normally stick to it for a long time... or keep going back to it.. and I mainly just color my toes... though I did paint my fingernails the other day.. they need it again of course.. haha..

♥His Lil Cuntree Queen♥ said...

LOVE IT!! I think its just like know what comors you have when you see them lol Maybe not right on but you know its simular..

You have inspired me to do some organizing of my LOTIONS..I have about 500

GorJess said...

I love nail polish too! wish I had enough to organize that's soo cool!