Friday, October 29, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My Halloween plans this year will include hanging out with the Bestie.
Possibly going to The Landing Zone.

2. My most memorable Halloween costume was when my grandma made my Cleopatra outfit.

3. For Halloween this year I'm going to be a ladybug.

4. I've always wanted to dress up as Marie Antoinette

5. Halloween free association! candy corn, pumpkins, costumes.

6. The worst thing about Halloween is deciding on a costume!

7. The best thing about Halloween is being able to dress up... duh


Donna Jo said...

I like the marie antoinette idea... I've always wanted to dress up from a different era...

H.R said...

Important note: from now on, I'll always visit your blog. Please don't hesitate to visit me. Let's be more than just followers...let's be faithful readers! Thanks :)

Lovers' Shore