Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween Costume Help

I need help people!

I want to use my old wedding dress as a Halloween costume.
But not really sure how...

I pretty much want to destroy it.

Here's the dress:

Any ideas?!?


Anonymous said...

slash it up (cut to shorten it) and such get some red dye and splatter the dress with it and go as a deadbride?

♥His Lil Cuntree Queen♥ said...

Lay it on the ground front down and let MA's husband go get some mud on his tires and run over it once so it leaves to ged with your hair a mess and leave it the way it is when you wake your eye makeup the night before and however it its smears leave it.. dirty up the front, slash it a lil bit and be a ran over could even put a target on the back of it..its fitting ya know..not to bring it up again..

Or you could sale that sucker and make some money off it!

Natalie said...

I knew a girl that was bridezilla for Halloween. She just cut up the dress a little and made her hair/make-up all crazy!

Yani said...

I really think u should make some money!!!!! put it on ebay or go to a places n sell it lol....or cut it really short dye red n u can be a sexy devil ;0) or an angel if u leave it white ;0) oxox enjoy destroying the dress!!!lol

Donna Jo said...

zombie bride....