Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weakness Wednesday

I've had a recent craving for cheese puffs.
I mean, insane craving.

Yes, I feel my arteries clogging
and the 30 lbs I lost coming back on...


♥His Lil Cuntree Queen♥ said...

You would fit right in at our house:) andy and the kids will fight to the death over the last one hahaha

Donna Jo said...

I used to like to eat them super fast and get a bunch stuck to the roof of my mouth and have to suck it off.. oh the simple things in childhood... Now, I see them, and I don't want any, I'm not big on chips actually... I'm more of a cracker girl.. Keebler Club Crackers to be exact :)

Vanessa said...

Mmmm cheese curls! So yummy and so so so addictive!