1. My favorite current TV show is Jersey Shore.
I didn't watch the first season (mostly bc I was married and not allowed to watch reality tv or basically anything I wanted to) but I seen previews for Season 2 and thought, "omg, those fuckers are HOT." So, it's become a ritual for me to go to Marianne's on Thursday nights and watch Jersey Shore. Yes, it's stupid and they may be dumb but it is enterfuckingtaining.
2. The TV character I can relate to most is JWOWW.
I am kidding. Kind of.
I couldn't think of anyone else! haha
But really, our opinions are the same, we think alike.
"I am like a praying mantis,
after I have sex with a guy I will rip their heads off."
3. My life is like (fill in with TV show and why).... Jersey Shore.
I'm boring you, I know.
But GTL: Gym. Tan. Laundry.
That's my life, in a nutshell.
4. My all time favorite TV show is So You Think You Can Dance.
The last 2 seasons have let me down, but I'm still faithful.
5. A TV show that is ridiculously stupid, but I continue to watch is The Bachelorette. When it's on, of course. I got sucked in but seriously men DO NOT act like that. That's why it's STUPID.
6. My favorite TV couple is Ehlena/Damon/Stephan.
7. One TV episode I could watch over and over again is season finale of SYTYCD from the season Jeanine won.
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